My name is Todd “TJ” Totland and I am the editor of DnD Exchange. DnD Exchange is all about helping both players and game masters play better, more exciting games. We know it takes a very long time for game masters to create their games and just as much time enjoying them with good friends and family.
This site is dedicated to making that job of creating a new game easier and more fun for the players. We are all about getting new players started and loving the game I grew up playing. I personally started playing with D&D Advanced but now play mostly 5E virtually using a virtual tabletop site.
I started playing D&D around 1980 and have just picked it up again in 2018. My family is also playing several games a week and we have a very large investment in books, adventures, and other game stuff. I will likely create reviews of each so you know what items are worth getting and which are not needed and a waste of money.
As I search the Internet, I will collect interesting information and store it here for everyone to have as my D&D treasure chest of game tricks and tips. Please feel free to comment on any page to add your knowledge and help teach others.
Articles will mostly be written by me and my family and friends who play the game with me, but I am also open to guest writers if you are interested. If you are, please send me a note and I will be happy to work with you.